
You can install Smart Checklist for directly from your board or by visiting our app page on monday’s App Marketplace.

Please follow the instructions below if you’d like to add Smart Checklist from your board:

  1. Open any item on your board
  2. Click on “+” (Add View) button
  3. Go to marketplace apps
  4. Type “Smart Checklist” in the Search field
  5. Click “Add to item”
  6. Open any sub-item on your board
  7. Repeat steps 2-5

📒 Note: You may need to request your account admin to install the app from the marketplace if you do not have the required permissions. 

📒 Note: At the moment, we do not support multiple checklists in one item view. You can add one checklist and then use formatting options like headers and separators to break it down into smaller checklists.

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